walau i miss my long hair man. i didnt perm it btw hahahaha. v sad now. gonna take me like maybe 1.5 yrs to grow.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
-met pea and jwen together after what seemed like eternity. went to fareast to chill and shop. it was pouring that day and jwen and pea were so nice to acc me to take a puff outside even though the rain was just coming at us. jwen even opened an umbrella hahaha aww so sweet y'all. after pea left joshy gave jwen a lift to pasir ris where i bumped into terry my retarded cousin who just booked out of army. happy :) after which i realised i had dropped my key earlier in the day so joshy went back to orchard with me to try and find it. couldn't find it in the end and i was pretty sad aww. end night.
-did full face threading which was mofo pain and to which i had an allergic reaction to the powder they put on your face before they do the actual threading. but my face is as smooth as tofu now. went to serangoon pet mart to look at my tiny little cute animals. didn't buy in the end cos the shop was closing and i didn't want to make an impulse buy.
-went to do eyelash extensions at fareast. im pretty satisfied with it except for the fact that i worry day and night that they would drop out before the minimum 2 weeks period and its only like my 4th day having it. also, its really tough to wash my face. think i'll think twice before putting them again. but ohwell, small price to pay for beauty.
-accompanied jwen to fareast YET AGAIN with jwen cos she wanted to do too. amanda joined shortly after and we walked around fareast, AGAIN till joshy came and it was time to watch alvin and the chipmunks. AMANDA'S CHOICE. i felt so bad i turned and said sorry to joshy halfway through the movie hahaha. joshy and i went to play l4d with JJ after that. anyway, it was a pretty fun day :)
-met joyce for lunch today at aljunied. the chicken rice at GMSS is just oh so good. conned innzheng into coming down to the coffeeshop (just below his house) and we went up to his house shortly after to play with his cutey dog. tiff came after while and we went to joyce's house cos inn had to go out. kinda big change of plans today cos we were originally supposed to head to town. anyway hung at joyce's place like old times and we later decided to play mahj so i called joshy over. played awhile and tiff had to go so geok came over to play. and yup that was kinda it. surprisingly, meeting joyce and tiff after -insert time period longer than eternity- was not as awkward as we all thought it would be. we've changed and stuff but we're still the same when we all hang together i guess.
and thats about it! on a side note, thankyou joshy for taking a whole week to accompany me and for being so nice as to send my friends here and there after meeting up. i don't believe i could find anyone as sweet and as generous as you baby :) <3
anyway a new year is coming, again. i do hope its the end of the world though cos i totally wanna do over my life. just start all over. but we all know thats not gonna happen. 2011 was like the shittiest year ever in my entire life. i've never had this much shit thrown in my face ever. and as emotional as i may be i am so not exaggerating. anyway, resolutions? i'll have to think about those. dear god please be nice to me next yr so that i can be nice to people and santa wont have to give me shit.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
Friday, December 2, 2011
The song just makes you stare into space and think.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
anyway i think i'll fill up the yellow form and donate all my other organs too when i die. yup i want to. just hope im not wearing red when i die haha. cos like what, either i'll haunt all the nurses or i'll haunt all the people who take each of my organs which is a lot of work to do.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
i still remember the excitement i felt when i was otw to the airport and checking in hehe. this is us on the plane. about 10 mins after take off :) myanmar airways flight was cancelled so we got transferred to thai airways which was fine by us.
we touched down about 5 bkk time and headed to the hotel, put our stuff down then went out for a walk.
i love their drink bottles.
yup after walking at big C we ate chicken rice at some street stall then went back to the hotel to rest. joshy and i chilled downstairs and met a big white dog which was soooooo cute but so dirty though. anyway i told the dog to come back tmr night and wait for me haha. it did.
breakfast and some fresh air in the morning. they all had these concrete walls and sandbags outside each building in case the flood reaches them i guess.
after some fresh air. oh anyway we decided to go on a 1 day tour to amphawhat and like the train station rly rly rly far away which costs us 1000 baht for the whole day. yup we went on the second day.
ok supposedly right, the train would come through and all the vendors would pull their carts and stalls which were already equipped with wheels, inside so that the train wouldnt crush anything. but anyway we didnt get to see it cos the train got delayed cos of the flood or something.
they have like chickens!?!??!?! :D
wah the beef noodles damn good.
there was a whole long stretch of these kinda shops along the train tracks. yup.
the coke bottles were huge!
just very fascinated with this shop haha.
took a boat ride around the island to different temples and places.
there was this place where you could see like tons of animals haha. its like singapore zoo where you can also pay like 8 dollars to feed the animals? yea like that - only its free. and the vege used to pay the animals comes at any cost you wish to pay.
notice only geok didnt have a picture of her feeding the goat haha. scaredy cat.
this monkey damn cute!
oh yea anyway there was this fenced up cage with tiny holes but the top was still the normal size grills. so i thought the orang utan was so poor thing so i fed it vege and it reached out from the top and scratched me. THAT BITCH.
after that i called it a crazy monkey and that its no wonder no one wanted to be friends with him and the orang utan started jumping around in its cage in a frenzy. CRAZY BITCH.
supposed to be a temple in a tree, or something.
went back on shore and they gave us free time to shop. wine :D was damn cheap. one bottle was like 30 baht max? thats like.. not even 1 dollar??
went to see fireflies at night around the island.
okay anyway no pictures of them because as you know they are minute and my lousy camera from 2004 cant possible catch any of that.
right. there aren't many pictures after this anymore because it was just shop shop shop all the way and im too caught up with paradise to take photos of anything hahaha.
outside platinum.
back in the hotel after a fucking long day and we were still going to khao san in abit. haha.
same thing the next day. just shop shop shop.
oh myanmar airways was cancelled again so we took cathay pacific home which btw, SUCKED BALLS? i am never taking cathay again. such a bad flight man.
i was so tired i could have died. oh oh thai massage was awesomezxz. right. anyway.
singapore sun set :)
ah. home sweet home :D
so i kind of regretted agreeing to go to malaysia the next day cos when the time came for me to wake up i tell ya. all i wanted to do was slip and fall into a concussion just so i could continue resting. proud of myself but i did it anyway. i got up and went to woodlands! with joshy of course. met geok and jace there and headed in.
actually we just went to malaysia to enjoy and walk walk. wasn't for the shopping or whatever. oh right. we went there for the seafood. we watched in time in the afternoon though. 3 sgd. i loved it! and seafood. we ordered a hell lot. and i really mean a hell lot. but it only cost us like 200 rm which was like 20+ sgd each for that much food. my god. so worth it.
yada yada. by the time i came back to sg i was so beat i wanted to die. oh like, no one was in sg cos my sis was in penang and my parents were in korea so, yay me! haha. didn't do anything much also luh. practically wasted my freedom away.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
as i have lost myself, im unable to look up to the world like i used to. not many would understand, but it stems from something small. unable to clarify my thoughts and make a right move now because everything is a blur and its really tough to continue faking happiness as contrary to what they say, frowning uses less muscles than faking a smile. well, maybe just for me.
when i look into the night sky i count the stars but as i notice how miserable they are in numbers i fade into my bed again, all alone, getting what i deserved.
Monday, November 7, 2011
hahahaha yup. i was genuinely surprised. thanks joshy! love you! :)
couldn't stay long with him though :( cos i had to study for my exam the day after ZZZZZZ is life throwing me lemons or what.
anyway went to prawn after my exam though i was hideous and outrageously tired but i refused to go home. haha the place was so nice i had to take a polaroid hehe.
hahaahaha my birthday so i forced geok to take one with me. i had to stop myself from bursting out laughing.
after that i had dinner with my family :) quite happy ah. everyone i loved was there :) yea including joshy! haha how awesome is that.
anyway. sad sad. never do anything for my birthday :( no party no presents HAHAHA. okay fine.
anyway on a lighter note im going bkk in likeeeeeee 3 days hehehe. i know its flooding and all thanks for the concern mah peeps. i'll have a party with the snakes and crocodiles.
ah well. pretty bummed out about my 21st. i'll just go watch my show and day dream. byebye!
Monday, October 24, 2011
The less traveled road
It's a variation on
The one I was told
And although it's not the same
It's awful close, yeah
In an ordinary fairy tale land
There's a promise of a perfect happy end
And I imagine having just short of that
Is better than nothing
So you'll be mine
Forever and almost always
And I'll be fine
Just love me when you can, yeah
And I'll wait patiently
I'll wake up everyday
Just hoping that you still care
In the corner of my mind I know too well
Oh, that surely even I deserve the best
But instead of leaving
I just put the issue to bed
And outta my head
Oh, and just when I believe
You've changed for good
Well, you go and prove me wrong
Just like I knew you would
When I run out of second chances
You give me that look
And you're off the hook
You'll be mine
Forever and almost always
It ain't right
To just love me when you can, Oh
I won't wait patiently
Or wake up everyday
Just hoping that you'll still care
-Kate Voegele - Forever And Almost Always
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
well exams are coming up and so is my birthday haha. pretty excited. anyway im not gonna put a wishlist because honestly i have not bought my friends presents either because im so broke and 21st presents are really expensive. so i dont want it to be a 1 way thing so im not putting up a wishlist which means for my bitches whom i did not give a present to please do not bother to get me anything, really!
still thinking how im gonna celebrate in the midst of my exams. hmm.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
**the next paragraph is not directed at people who have actually been abused by their partners of some sort but to normal teenagers who were like born, what, yesterday?*
anyway i just HAVE to comment on people who post on fb that they're 'AFRAID TO GET HURT AGAIN' hence single. or tell everyone so that everyone thinks they have been abused or whatever by their boyfriends. gee girls, you are like what, 5 years old? and you talk like you've had 10 relationships of which none of them worked out because all of them dumped your sorry ass for some other girl or whatever reason that makes you so 'AFRAID TO GET HURT AGAIN'. what is this shit. we are young independent women who should never feel like they can't live without a male. or female, your choice. well the point is, YOU'RE WEAK. and if youre waiting for some fucking prince charming to sweep you off your feet and heal you from your wounds and finally propose to you then you can crush that little dream of yours because there is no romeo and you are no juliet. we live in the real world where, at 21 years old, people still date for fun and getting dumped shouldn't mean you have to hide in the darkest corner of your room and count the minutes without him in your life. wow, even saying that last sentence makes me angry.
you know, we've all had our fair share of dickheads (figuratively) and as teenagers we've all had our hearts broken but isnt it all part of the whole dating experience? so what if you gave him alot of things you shouldn't have? all the better, you've kept your end of the relationship agreement. by breaking down its like saying 'IF LIFE THROWS ME A LEMON, IM GONNA SUCK ON IT BECAUSE MY SENSES ARE NUMB FROM THE TEARS THAT I'VE CRIED FOR HIM, MAYBE I'LL RUB THE LEMON ON MY EYES AND CRY SOMEMORE.' wow, i am good. well BULLSHIT. omg im sorry but i can't stand girls who are weak and cry over shit. i really just wanna slap them all. if you're just gonna be so weak then you're just gonna be stepped over your whole life ok? well guess what, the world doesnt need you so get back in the dark corner of your room and suck on that lemon.
COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN I JUST WANT FEMALES TO BE MORE INDEPENDENT AND BE THE MAN FOR ONCE IN THE RELATIONSHIP. yea, if you think about it. women are heavily compromised in all areas. geez. getting all worked up now. but off topic. so girls, get your groove on please. go kick some male butt. AND DONT TELL ME LOVE SHOULD BE UNCONDITIONAL GIVING IN AND NO EXPECTATIONS. LEAVE THAT BULLSHIT FOR YOUR DREAMS.
p.s its not that im having side effects from all my failed relationships. im just growing up, bitch. oh and its for girls who feel like their world no longer exists after a breakup, not for couples who are happy :)
i can't take a pussy guy so if youre one would you kindly not step on the ground that i am walking on? you're doing a great job btw josh. you know when to give in and when not to. well, most times anyway ;)
headed to bkk in november btw! pretty excited because its actually my first official trip overseas with friends only (not counting perth in p6 cos there were teachers). and for those of you who know me, i am actually pretty protected so hence, the very first time. all smiles!
school is ending in 4 days. triple all smiles. then it'll be exams on 31st oct, 2nd nov and 5th nov. then thats it! thats the end of my school term. super happy. though, i do have exams on my birthday ITSELF so its a real downer cos i can't exactly have a party since i have exams before, after and on the day itself. heaven must be pleased at its cruel joke.
so anyway. have been really sick lately too. well, figuratively i guess. or not. i dont know. but i have been throwing up a shitload of food for weeks now. yea, so everything i eat i just throw up most of it after that. some days im good though, like today :D what irritates me most is that i spent a shitload of money on the food i eat because, well, i love the sight and taste of good food per se, but not so much when they're all in small chunky bits in my sink eh.
yup. thats all thats been up with me lately.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
And lead me through the fire
Be the long awaited answer
To a long and painful fight
We all begin with good intent
Love was raw and young
We believed that we could change ourselves
The past can be undone
But we carry on our backs the burden time always reveals
In the lonely light of morning
In the wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything, I've held so dear
Though I've tried, I've fallen
I have sunk so low
I've messed up better
I should know
So don't come 'round here
And tell me I told you so
-Sarah McLachlan, Fallen
Thursday, August 25, 2011
i know its no way to be happy but i think it has become a sick sick sickness as i am constantly trapped in the past. thinking of how i could have written a better history for myself. i knw right. crazy. why not deal with the present so that i can change my future. well, i dont bloody well know. i need help. i dont know where to get it from. every window is closing on me. its funny how the only people who will listen are those who actually can't do shit to help. not saying it out of ungratefulness though. im thankful there are people who are willing to listen to me talk shit though i believe they have no idea what im talking about sometimes.
blah blah blah constant struggle.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
sometimes i have this strong blind rage and immense hatred for everybody. like now. feeling like a monster. i scare myself when i hear the echo of my screams in my ears. (though, since i do it in a pillow the echo is minimal). don't understand why life has to be so hard though. the people i love the most don't trust and understand me at all. they refuse to listen too. im a good person. i dont deserve all this.
i wish i was never born. seriously. i don't believe i was put on this earth for a reason. oh wait, thats right. it must be - to be miserable. maybe i stay out late every night hoping that something would happen to me and i would be one of those dead bodies you find in bedok reservoir or at the istana. wondering when it will be my turn. afterall, the pain of dying will definitely last shorter than being miserable your whole life.
i know i wont be missed though. the only thing people are going to miss, or rather, regret is all the effort they have put into helping to form my life for the past 21 years. so good bye. i'll fade slowly into the past and soon become only a part of your memories.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
p.s omg i think this period has proven that my mood is majorly affected by stress. cos im like damn high and happy now hahahaahhahhaa okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk BYE
Monday, August 1, 2011
yea i think im really not a people person. i even hate group projects cos you have to work with others. ah well.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Feel like I'm just floating around in this world. Souless. Aimless. No real place to go, to return to. Going according to everyone's plans. No opinion of my own. Or rather, no will to voice them out. Pointless. Feel weak. Feel like breaking down. I was never one who could act happy when I'm not. And so, I would never act unhappy when I'm not either. Most of the times I feel nothing. Blank. Feel like a pushover at times. Feel like everything i have to apologize for things that I didn't do wrong. Not because I want to, or feel like I have to for any reason. Just because I am a blank soul who goes with the flow. Like following a life's manual, next step: apologize. And there you go.
It's a sad way to carry on with life but it'll just have to do.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
sigh. okay. snap fingers. back to reality.
10: sorry, my phone died
9: she's just a friend
8: i'm fine!
7: hey, you look nice
6: which girl? i didnt notice
5: i'll be rdy in 5 mins
4: im out with the boys
3: can't talk, im in a meeting/busy
2: im on the way!
1: i never lie
LOOOL from herworld magazine. i think 5 is more for girls but the rest, yep. HAHAHAAH JOSHUA WE ALWAYS ARGUE ABOUT NUMBER 6 HAHAHAHAA damn funny.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
to me, love is like the moon. it doesnt show its true self everyday. then once a month on a special day like an anniversary or something, it becomes full and glowing. its not a signal that love is the strongest then. its just that on that day people do things in a full blown manner to let the other person know that they love them. and every other day even during an eclipse, you may think that the love is not there anymore. but what you can't see doesn't mean its not there.
i know to josh its just a song he heard on the radio hahahaahahahaha confirm. yup but baby this is what it means to me.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
too familiar.
so tired of becoming frustrated and not being able to do anything about it but cry.
the feeling that your chest is collapsing and you are gasping for all the air you can get when you are trying to stop the tears from falling. a million 'why's and 'how did it end up this way' swirling in your head.
you know you've lost the battle when the first tear falls.
well and if you don't apologise then you are the bitch who refuse to let the argument die down. either way you're screwed. its just short term or long term.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
oh boy, what a bad start to the first day of school. totally blaming myself too cos if i didn't fail i would be starting school next week. fml much srsly. and there are s many things i wanna do but money is such a mofo prob nowadays. bloody stressed. FMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFML K BYE.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
-Cleo, July issue
oh something else.
"When men are feeling down, they don't tell each other "Whats going on bro? Go ahead and cry." They head to a pub to watch soccer. It might seem cold but what it tells the other person is that when you're ready to talk, im here to listen."
so true. i hate it when people force me to tell them whats wrong. if i wanna say, I WILL.
Friday, July 8, 2011
by Micha F. Lindemans
In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her and he did, using water and earth. The gods endowed her with many talents; Aphrodite gave her beauty, Apollo music, Hermes persuasion, and so forth. Hence her name: Pandora, "all-gifted".
When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora had a jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her natural curiosity, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing which lay at the bottom, and that was Hope.
SUPER interesting haha. no wonder girls like to cry. made of earth and water lmao. and and girls have EVERYTHING. haha like all the talents.
ya but apparently girls cause alot of trouble --
-i was actually rudely interrupted at this point by a small black jumping spider. you know, the ones that you can never catch with a tissue cos they will jump and you'll be like "homg (run for cover)" so i drowned it in deodorant and water then slammed an old magazine on it. WHOSE JUMPING NOW YOU EIGHT (i actually typed EGG, lol, proof reading ftw) LEGGED FREAK.-
anyway, girls cause alot of trouble -mostly self inflicted-, then start crying in despair cos pandora, being a bitch, left Hope in her stupid box. HAHA SO COOL. i love mythologies.
oh fuck i just checked my timetable for next sem and 90% of my lessons are 830am lessons. omfg omfg omfg omfg i think of squeezing on the mother f* MRT all the way to dover i really wanna cry. fucking no mood sia. i was gonna say i wish i was working but if im working i may have to reach earlier sometimes and i can't even be late so NO I TAKE IT ALL BACK.
fml ):
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
i felt like i was not wanted anywhere. trust me, i am not inflicting this pain onto myself. it just comes. and they won't hear me out. they will never apologise for something that was obviously their fault and irresponsibility. its been like that my whole life. dont get me wrong, its not the apology im looking for. its the acceptance. they may think its not a big deal that they did not inform me of the details and stuff. but i just suffered yet another blow from their negligence. emotional negligence.
i still well up everytime i think about it. which is why i like to put eyeliner on my bottom lid. to force myself to keep the tears in. its hard to explain the pain in my heart. that's why when people ask me about it i can only say i dont want to talk about it. because i dont know how to and when i do, it always sounds a lot less serious than it is. you will never understand how i felt when i walked into the restaurant that day and saw them sitting together, looking perfect, without me. you seriously cannot imagine the hurt. and there's no use talking to them. because all i have to say is either 'rude' or 'useless'. my whole life i've been trained to shut the fuck up and this is why i only pen down my thoughts and why i am referred to as many of my friends as a 'mute'. because my whole life, i have been watching quietly from the outside, having no say. its become a habit. but its good i guess. cos it stops me from screaming shut the fuck up bitch to everyone that pisses me off.
i too, will never understand why they so gladly accept her him but not my him. stereotyping was never something i liked doing. which is why i never ever ever judge a book by its cover. its the heart that matters to me. not money, not their prospects (for now). yea, maybe im so pathetic that i feel close to anything that can give me emotional assurance. because i am so fucking in need of it.
don't tell me im lucky i even have them. i rather not have them and live the rest of my life not knowing how good it could have been than to have them and know that its never gonna get any better.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
and most importantly, find that moment of peace.
Friday, July 1, 2011
anyway, dont really know whats the whole hype about xiaxue's post on 'Trust'. like duh, you don't trust ANYONE totally right. i'm not agreeing with her, im just saying its a matter of fact that everyone keeps a little something to themselves. duh. i mean sometimes i dont tell joshua what i'm doing and who i'm texting not because i dont trust him but believe me, i find it utterly ridiculous to give him a play by play of my life. seriously, who makes their other half do that anyway? i know, a alot of people. self check please, your partner is not your puppet which you control with strings.
i still take my stand that i do not like josh to check my phone and so, i will not check his either. privacy. super important to me. i know that when my mom clears my room for me once in a blue moon, she goes through all my stuff. and a part of me hates it cos there are so many things lying around that if i wanted to show her, we would have been best friends already. so i strongly believe that privacy comes first. despite what people say, "if he has nothing to hide he won't be so pissed w me checking his phone/stuff". BULLSHIT, I SAY. slap yourself in the face people. you DARE tell me SERIOUSLY that when your partner checks your phone, there even isn't this TINY, TINY, TINY bit of unwillingness in you? despite you telling your friends that its mutual and you dont mind? i dont believe. everyone wants to have a part of them that they can keep to themselves that's why no one is really willing to open up to just anyone that they meet or let anyone go through their things for the sake of it.
and if its about cheating then i think its all in perspective. like, believe it or not, i trust that joshua will never ever cheat on me. no matter how jiawen insists that all men cheat hahaha. i said this before sometime back, but people only get suspicious of people when they themselves are doing the same thing. and more often than other its true. if you talk to other guys behind your bf's back (guys that your bf stated very clearly that he does not like you talking to them), then you are bound to suspect your bf of talking to girls that you don't like, thus checking his phone and in turn making him want to check yours. mutual irritation. if you backstab your friend, you will be wondering what she's saying behind your back too. i guess its like karma. you are the one who did something bad first, and in the end you suffer.
anyway. this is not a topic on trust so please dont tell me it has no link whatsoever. just thinking of the small things we put our partners through when i believe most of the time we are just thinking too much. if you believe that your death has been predestined, then please also believe that everything that happens in your life has already been planned, written and read a thousand times by the big guy up there.

ehh,i blog alot so i will push up your ad jiawen hahahahaha.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

hihiii please visit jiawen's blogshop above and support pls! awesome accessories! click click click above!
:(( the stupid SIM invoice put very very clearly that my ER is a repeat subject. fuck sia i thought i can just hide it from my parents till i graduate. rahhhh. low morale now. fucking sian also. like forever making my parents unhappy ah. zz.
自责 自责 自责 自责 自责 自责自责 自责自责自责 自责 自责 自责.........
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
i was just thinking, there is something common among guys who've never had a girlfriend before. or you know, a proper serious adult long term relationship. being someone who has had her fair share of being a guys first girlfriend i noticed that they all have tend to treat their girlfriends like a princess. its not a bad thing for me duh, but its not good for them you know what i mean? they need to know that real relationships are not what they see on television, all rosy and happy and everyday is like anniversary day. its really sweet and all but just, unrealistic? i dont know. i know i sound like a party pooper here but i guess im just more towards reality. i have my fairytale dreams but i dont ever expect them to come true.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
anyway i don't know why people think its lame to blog. maybe because i have so many thoughts that i would just implode and die if i didn't release some of them somewhere. blogging has changed since secondary school. people dont give a play by play of their lives anymore, its kinda more like just a place for you to be a little more pensive and reflect on your life as it passes? i dont know. but blogging is definitely not lame.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
i guess thats why sometimes friends are better. because they dont invade into these private spaces that are inside the corners of your mind. just tucked away because you are ashamed of the fact that you couldn't achieve what you wanted to. but i guess life isn't always a bed of roses and people who are closer to you are there to remind you and wake you up to reality.
i dont know which to be thankful for. but it doesnt change the fact that it annoys the shit out of me when people talk about such topics. i need to convince myself that people are just doing it for my own good and not judging or anything.
aiya everything is just fucked up now. super unhappy with my life. dont even feel like meeting with anyone but if i dont then maybe i will really lose all my friends so, bo bian.
sometimes i like to push people away and see if they come back. i believe that if someone really regards you as a friend of importance they will keep coming back. i do it to everyone. i push everyone away at some point. just that sometimes, they dont come back and i have to go chasing after them because im scared to lose them too. fail. maybe i should stop doing that. because i really believe that if you love someone, you will break through all the walls to get to them. you wont give up even if they push you away. its a simple concept but not many people understand it. im getting tired of explaining myself. guess i shall just go with the flow, have no stand or takes on how i should be treated. because people just dont understand. im tired.
I tried to be perfect
But nothing was worth it
I don’t believe it makes me real
I’d thought it’d be easy
But no on believes me
I meant all the things that I said
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own
This place is so empty
My thoughts are so tempting
I don’t know how it got so bad
Sometimes it’s so crazy that nothing could save me
But it’s the only thing that I have
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own
-sum41, pieces
a song that always speaks to me.
its just one of those days where i just wanna lie on my bed and watch the world go by. just wanna feel what its like to be dead. to leave the worries to someone else. just cry it out. cry it out.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
just came home from hejun's party. happy 21st hejun!! makes me wonder about my 21st. one thing for sure i'm not even gonna bother inviting some no-show people. and i so dont want it to be awkward cos i knowwwww how that feels. hm, just rly close friends i guess. thank god all my friends are sociable and pretty much know each other. phew.
anyway so joshua and i had a debate about whether we would throw away our ex's stuff. i stood by no and he stood by yes. simply put, i would never throw away my memories. you wouldnt, no? but he thinks that if i read the letters and see the stuff that my ex gave me i would compare this r/s to that and pick on the little things. its not like that for me. i'm not talking about extreme situations like the room still being filled with the ex's stuff cos they used to stay over or whatever. that one must throw. im talking about stuff that they gave you.
i personally wouldn't wanna know that my ex threw away stuff that i gave them. cos hell, i spent a shitload of money and effort on whatever it is that i gave you. vice versa i would treasure everything they gave me even if we broke up already. its not a symbol of love, its a symbol of gratefulness. so i would never understand couples who expect their new partners to throw away stuff that their ex's gave them. i told joshua that even if we are getting married, only MAYBE, would i throw away stuff my ex's gave me.
there are so many aspects. like im a very sentimental person. and so much has changed. every little thing that could remind me of what was, i would keep. EVEN IF they are bad memories. im not gonna say its so that i would be thankful of how happy i am now. thats like bullshit reasoning. but they are my past and i would like to keep every single thing that helps me capture my memories.
having said that, i wonder if i would do the same for my partner or if i would request for them to throw away stuff........ haha double standard much.
anyway. life has been treating me well. pretty much i guess. i'm slowly recovering from my unfortunate incident. and i'm just moving on from it. if i told you about it it means that i really do trust you even though we've drifted but you used to be my pillars of strengths so yea.
damn it dont even get me started on why i've drifted from my friends. i feel like im just lamenting and lamenting. but rly v shitty what. sigh, let me try and be thankful for some things.
1: -
..........nope couldn't think of anything. SERIOUSLY.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
anyway isnt it weird how once you reply a persons sms you feel like the onus isn't on you anymore to do anything? and how people can get angry if you didnt reply them YET when they are the once who reply you after a long time all they do is say sorry and expect it to be over. i guess you have to be more understanding towards those kinda people or there will be no friends left on earth.
anyway what a joke. yesterday i had HMT exam but i brought my finance notes as well because i thought we were studying after paper but turns out we were too tired. so i put all my finance notes in geoks backpack cos its like bloody heavy. then after paper we happily went to eat and went home to sleep. AND I HAVE FINANCE PAPER TMR HAHAHAHA OMG HOW STUPID CAN I GET. so i dont know what im gonna do in the meantime w/o my notes hahaha.
by Rosemarie Urquico
(In response to Charles Warnke’s You Should Date an Illiterate Girl)_____
Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve.
Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag.She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Buy her another cup of coffee.
Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. Understand that if she says she understood James Joyce’s Ulysses she’s just saying that to sound intelligent. Ask her if she loves Alice or she would like to be Alice.
It’s easy to date a girl who reads. Give her books for her birthday, for Christmas and for anniversaries. Give her the gift of words, in poetry, in song. Give her Neruda, Pound, Sexton, Cummings. Let her know that you understand that words are love. Understand that she knows the difference between books and reality but by god, she’s going to try to make her life a little like her favorite book. It will never be your fault if she does.
She has to give it a shot somehow.
Lie to her. If she understands syntax, she will understand your need to lie. Behind words are other things: motivation, value, nuance, dialogue. It will not be the end of the world.
Fail her. Because a girl who reads knows that failure always leads up to the climax. Because girls who understand that all things will come to end. That you can always write a sequel. That you can begin again and again and still be the hero. That life is meant to have a villain or two.
Why be frightened of everything that you are not? Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilight series.
If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are.
You will propose on a hot air balloon. Or during a rock concert. Or very casually next time she’s sick. Over Skype.
You will smile so hard you will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled out all over your chest yet. You will write the story of your lives, have kids with strange names and even stranger tastes. She will introduce your children to the Cat in the Hat and Aslan, maybe in the same day. You will walk the winters of your old age together and she will recite Keats under her breath while you shake the snow off your boots.
Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.
Or better yet, date a girl who writes.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
anw baby im srsly sorry our timing is always the opposite! i'll see you tmr k love you!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
I'm sitting, wondering what he's thinking
Nobody's talking 'cause talking just turns into screaming
And now as i'm yelling over him, he's yelling over me
All that that means - is neither of us is listening
And what's even worse?
That we don't even remember why we're fighting.
So both of us are mad for nothing
fighting for nothing
crying for nothing
But we wont let it go for nothing
This should be nothin' to a love like what we got
Baby, I know sometimes it's gonna rain
but baby, can we make up now
'cause I can't sleep through the pain
Boy, i don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And i don't want you to go to bed mad at me
No, i don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And i don't want you to go to bed mad at me
And it gets me upset, boy
when you're constantly accusing
askin' questions like you've already known
We're fighting this war, baby
when both of us are losing
This ain't the way that love is supposed to go
What happened to workin' it out?
We fall into this place
where you ain't backin' down and i ain't backin' down
so what the hell do we do now?
It's all for nothing
fighting for nothing
crying for nothing
But we wont let it go for nothing
This should be nothin' to a love like what we got
Baby this love ain't gonna be perfect
and just how good it's gonna be
we can fuss and we can fight
as long as everything's alright between us
before we go to sleep
Baby, we're gonna be happy.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
anyway exams are in a couple weeks. ok i swear i will start studying next week. i think diploma was my downfall. everything was always last minute yet you are still able to score. now although im in university im still taking everything so lightly. geez. i think i will forever breeze through life like that and not make anything of myself haha.
Friday, April 8, 2011
note: this is NOT to start a war carrots&peas, just explaining the link (in my point of view) as to why some people relate psych to not being able to find a gd job and why its so important to them. psych was totally my dream when i was young and yes i do hate what i am doing now. ALSO not saying you will go to US and live happily ever after and dump your parents here la. NOTHING OF THAT SORT.
don't PMS k love you! and your pills DO NOT MAKE PPL HIGH STOP SAYING THAT!!!!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Dont be jealous of my bf bitches ;D
Saturday, March 19, 2011
ok hi my bitches i know i haven't responded to any of your blogposts cos i've been so hell busy with last minute work. when did you all meet w/o me )): !? can we bring jwen's cat out again pls. hahaha. i dont know whats going on in your lives too :/ especially pea. no, actually jwen also HAHAHAHA. pea, talk about yourself pls! your life like revolves around school!?!?!! eh we can't meet cos i am barely in school HAHAHA SORRY. like srsly, i think the only thing that hasn't changed about you is that you are always 30min-1hour early for anything. HAHAHA damn funny la everytime we wanna meet. &jwen IM SORRY i never really reply your texts. gahhhh i tell you why when we meet. HELLO I GOT SO MUCH TO TELL YOU ALL PLEASE?! exciting :D:D:D ok bitches i am meeting both of you next week. just hang at someone's house also can. eh jwen you bitch you gave pea alice in the wonderland you give me SHREK. SHREKKKKKK. hahaha eh i feel high just talking to you all like that hahaha! ok i love you guys lots lots!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
just celebrated anniversary w josh. i had a blast baby and i really wanna thank you for loving me.
you know, people are always trying to burst my bubble of happiness. you may think im being unrealistic and too dreamy because i believe sappy love cartoons and movies do happen in real life but i don't care. it makes me happy just to think of the 'what ifs'.
i think everyone should embrace their fantasies. whats the point of working hard for a good life ahead and all the money you guys have together when the magic is gone?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
i dont know why i've been feeling really shitty lately. all i've been thinking about is death. yea alright, tragic for a young life.
i dont like to apologise. i dont believe saying sorry makes things better. it just gives rise to a winner and a loser. i believe in looking out for body language/actions that might show signs of apology. i believe in the silent healing of relationships. time - a big influence.
i feel like i keep doing the wrong thing.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Im really sorry that we grew apart. I mean, being best friends with you could have grown into so much more right now but i guess it wasnt easy maintaining the friendship. I see how you are now and you have no idea how much i admire you. Youre in a good school, you have ambitions and good grades (seems like yesterday we were laughing about our psle scores), you have a boyfriend who wants the same things as you in life, awesome r/s w your family. i wouldnt take the first step of saying that youre happy the way things are because there could be so much more i dont know since we drifted but girl, things are looking up for you.
i always wondered what would have happened if i hadnt stopped hanging out with you. study together and stuff, maybe i wouldnt be such a failure in my studies haha. For what its worth, im sorry for being uptight and judgemental about kenneth. im with joshua and with everyone being so judgemental and all, i finally understand your past blog post about how bystanders will never understand what ken has done for you. i wish i could hv been there to share your joy though. I remember how we used to talk about ES and other guys in your life.
It'd be pretty weird to fix things now, despite the cliche saying of how its never too late. It'd be pretty awkward and all with years of empty memories between us. You've grown into this mature young woman with friends of the same calibre and im still stuck with being an obnoxious teenager. So i dont want to take away what you've worked so hard for by being this negative, sulky stain in your life.
Anyway im glad we were once awesome best friends and i love you!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
1) pay for my share and my share only, down to every penny.
2) give abit more than my share (no small change) and asks whoever to keep the change.
3) sits quietly in the corner while everyone is counting the money strewn across the table and hopes no one realises he hasn't paid.
3 is a jackass and the problem goes way back to his principles so lets not talk about 3.
lets talk about 1 and 2's actions.
i think its reasonable to wanna take back all the change that is rightfully yours because it is afterall, your money. then brings us to the value of money. what is 20cents to you? on the other hand, what is $2? so is it okay to take back $2 change but not okay to take back 20cents? let me emphasize that this is friends splitting the change and not the change you take from stall vendors.
what character are you trying to portray when you ask your friends to keep the change? do you really not care about the money because its your friends or do you just not wanna seem uptight about money. or do you think its a charity? i guess there's no fault in wanting to keep the change or the last person who handles the money will have to awkwardly keep it.
i think its a socially awkward situation that has plagued many of us before. im guessing most of us are either those who say 'keep the change' because you simply dont want to look like a miser in front of our friends or those who really dont want to keep the coins. honestly, i've rarely come across friends who take back every cent that is rightfully theirs though i do have 1 or 2.
oh well. just something i thought about on the bus ride home.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
so vday just passed and two days before that was my anni with josh. so these past few days have been pretty rough on his wallet hahahahahaha. okay im not laughing. afterall he got no money i also suffer right lmao. anyway he bought this adorable bear that came along w the lilies and i named it joshy and right now i can't let it out of my sight cos its so cute haha. im not a soft toy kinda girl seriously BUT THIS BEAR JUST GOT TO ME. anyway. yes im also not a mushy kinda girl but HAHAHAHA MY BABY'S SO CUTEEEE.
okay yes. this week is going to be stressful. econs test and assignment to hand up. learnt everything in econs already but still v worried cos afterall I GOT AN E FOR A LVL ECONS. pffft. but i got an A for diploma econs so now im gonna get distinction for uni econs! IN YOUR FACE LAST YEAR ME.
haha. loves.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
haha okay. thats all the time out im gonna get.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
it is generally harder for people who are at different places in life to stay together. its always easier if you are able to see each other routinely in school or work, etc. and if you are at the same place in life you can do the same things together. that's why its even more special if you are apart most of the time. because you know whats keeping you together is not habit. its the raging fire in you to wanna see each other again and every moment spent together is special.
kinda stressed up now. because finance just became 130312321 times harder. i can be sitting in class and listening but i really dont get anything. makes me wanna cry all the time. nevermind. practice practice practice. this CNY break is not going to be a break because i have 2 major essay assignments to hand up after CNY week. which sucks. i never understood why people want to study and study and study until there is nothing else they can study anymore. i think a degree is sufficient for me. then again, maybe its because i've been so sheltered and my general knowledge is so minimal i dont know what is required to get a good job out there.
i can't wait to end my studies and get working. i feel most satisfied when im earning my own money. i know, without good education i'd get no where. fuck. all this is really giving me a headache. the future scares me all the time.
i know im 20 going on 21 and i should feel like im in the prime of my life but no. i feel really unsatisfied. i think JC was really the turning point of my life. ever since i did badly in JC my life has been going downhill. i know i have lamented this part of my life for eons since it passed but i guess you just dont get over some regrets.
well then.
on a lighter note, i saw this gorgeous shirt at ZARA that costs $80. i planned to buy it for new year but now i think im just goin to use my redpacket money to buy it for myself. GORGEOUS SHIRT.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
SO, happy new year guys! lets see, 2010 was a fruitful year i would say. stopped a few bad habits (hopefully people stopped judging me because of that), stuck to a job for like 3 whole months pfft hello? haha. couldn't have done it without geok though. (i know you're gonna ask me to shut the fuck up when you read this but I LOVEZZZZ YOU.) haha! made a whole lot of new friends and got back in touch with a whole lot of them too. though, i lost a few more friends last year. well, you gain some you lose some. had the best year end ever with tons of freedom and i thank god and my parents for that. i had SUCH a great 2010 i dont know what to say :D
and babyyyyy. you're the best thing that ever happened to me thus far in my life. i've never met anyone with a heart as good as yours and with actions so sincere. this is a toast to us and the months to come. iloveyou!
SO. 2011 huh? DID YOU KNOW THEY CHANGED THE ZODIACS? I AM NO LONGER A SCORPIO. HOLY.... yup apparently i am now a Libra. well i dont know about you guys but i kinda believe in horoscopes while some people think its bullshit. how else would you explain why im like that? hahaahaah SCORPIO PEOPLE, SCORPIO. so i heard it on the radio the other day and i couldn't find an official site for it yet but here's the gist of it.
there's going to be a new star sign called Ophiuchus. i know right, how do you even pronounce it, geez.
• interpreter of dreams, premonitions
• attracts good luck
• serpent holder
• lofty ideals
• a seeker of peace and harmony
• doctor of medicine or science
• to add, increase, join or gather together
• poetical, inventive nature, expanding
• seeks higher education
• overseer, supervisor of work
• fame - either grand or completely misunderstood
• longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man
• architect, builder, reaches for the stars
• tax assessor or levys taxes
• astrological talents, intuitive
• large family indicated, but apt to be separated from them when young
• the number twelve holds great significance
• foresight to benefit from hard times
• has secret enemies in family or close associations
• many jealous of this subject
• notable father, apple of father's eye when young
• high position in life expected [depending on aspects] highest fame and legend comes after death however
• feelings of granular, wise,
• likes to wear clothing of vibrant colors
• receives the favor of those in charge
and your new starsigns are
see. they ruined everything! yup but i'm just gonna ignore that until its certified. pfft...
okay then im off to read my book. its called 'My Name is Memory' pretty captivating actually. bye!