i still remember the excitement i felt when i was otw to the airport and checking in hehe. this is us on the plane. about 10 mins after take off :) myanmar airways flight was cancelled so we got transferred to thai airways which was fine by us.
we touched down about 5 bkk time and headed to the hotel, put our stuff down then went out for a walk.
i love their drink bottles.
yup after walking at big C we ate chicken rice at some street stall then went back to the hotel to rest. joshy and i chilled downstairs and met a big white dog which was soooooo cute but so dirty though. anyway i told the dog to come back tmr night and wait for me haha. it did.
breakfast and some fresh air in the morning. they all had these concrete walls and sandbags outside each building in case the flood reaches them i guess.
after some fresh air. oh anyway we decided to go on a 1 day tour to amphawhat and like the train station rly rly rly far away which costs us 1000 baht for the whole day. yup we went on the second day.
ok supposedly right, the train would come through and all the vendors would pull their carts and stalls which were already equipped with wheels, inside so that the train wouldnt crush anything. but anyway we didnt get to see it cos the train got delayed cos of the flood or something.
they have like chickens!?!??!?! :D
wah the beef noodles damn good.
there was a whole long stretch of these kinda shops along the train tracks. yup.
the coke bottles were huge!
just very fascinated with this shop haha.
took a boat ride around the island to different temples and places.
there was this place where you could see like tons of animals haha. its like singapore zoo where you can also pay like 8 dollars to feed the animals? yea like that - only its free. and the vege used to pay the animals comes at any cost you wish to pay.
notice only geok didnt have a picture of her feeding the goat haha. scaredy cat.
this monkey damn cute!
oh yea anyway there was this fenced up cage with tiny holes but the top was still the normal size grills. so i thought the orang utan was so poor thing so i fed it vege and it reached out from the top and scratched me. THAT BITCH.
after that i called it a crazy monkey and that its no wonder no one wanted to be friends with him and the orang utan started jumping around in its cage in a frenzy. CRAZY BITCH.
supposed to be a temple in a tree, or something.
went back on shore and they gave us free time to shop. wine :D was damn cheap. one bottle was like 30 baht max? thats like.. not even 1 dollar??
went to see fireflies at night around the island.
okay anyway no pictures of them because as you know they are minute and my lousy camera from 2004 cant possible catch any of that.
right. there aren't many pictures after this anymore because it was just shop shop shop all the way and im too caught up with paradise to take photos of anything hahaha.
outside platinum.
back in the hotel after a fucking long day and we were still going to khao san in abit. haha.
same thing the next day. just shop shop shop.
oh myanmar airways was cancelled again so we took cathay pacific home which btw, SUCKED BALLS? i am never taking cathay again. such a bad flight man.
i was so tired i could have died. oh oh thai massage was awesomezxz. right. anyway.
singapore sun set :)
ah. home sweet home :D
so i kind of regretted agreeing to go to malaysia the next day cos when the time came for me to wake up i tell ya. all i wanted to do was slip and fall into a concussion just so i could continue resting. proud of myself but i did it anyway. i got up and went to woodlands! with joshy of course. met geok and jace there and headed in.
actually we just went to malaysia to enjoy and walk walk. wasn't for the shopping or whatever. oh right. we went there for the seafood. we watched in time in the afternoon though. 3 sgd. i loved it! and seafood. we ordered a hell lot. and i really mean a hell lot. but it only cost us like 200 rm which was like 20+ sgd each for that much food. my god. so worth it.
yada yada. by the time i came back to sg i was so beat i wanted to die. oh like, no one was in sg cos my sis was in penang and my parents were in korea so, yay me! haha. didn't do anything much also luh. practically wasted my freedom away.
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