so last morning i woke at 4am. and i was wondering if i should go back to sleep. but you know, assuming jiawen was able to wake up by 7 then we would be meeting at 8 and pea would kill me if i went back to sleep and woke at 8 itself so LONG STORY SHORT I WENT TO WATCH 'FRIENDS'.
pea got lost haha. LOSER HAHAHA. my directions to my house so clear please! and i don't understand why people keep saying my house is ulu. like hellooo. haha. anyway pea found it HAHA GO PEA. came up and waited for jiawen to come. talked and she curled my hair for me. afterwhich i looked like goldilocks.
jiawen reached. started playing with all my toys followed by she and pea thoroughly messing up my bed and camwhoring.
she kisiao one. she says thats the animal kingdom. then what is she, a rock?!?!

she was super fascinated by the monkey pea gave me 3 yrs ago. awww its so cute :D
oh my god we finally decided to leave the house after one hour.
cabbed to tampines ikea. thank pea for all the cab trips today!
ate lunch. i think pea ate both lunch and dinner. SHE SIAO ONE LEH ate 10meatballs and one poached salmon. jiawen and i shared 15meatballs and one poached salmon. winner right.
we all look damn nice in these shots! thanks thanks, credits to my camera harh hahaha.

after eating we went to look at toys. okay more like rape them and touch them all over.
i really dont know what animal she is hahaha.
bee, dino, green dino!

bee and..bat man?

fruit basket, I CAN'T SEE PEA'S, birthdaycake!
ladybug mirrors. so adorable!
i really dont know who suggested 'eating' it.
HAHA this pic damn epic. while i was O.O staring at it i look up and saw pea's face and i couldn't stop laughing.
mirrors are a girl's bestfriend.
ew jiawen that dress is ew. haha.
remember to slow down and smell the flowers.
and smell the flowers. (haha she wanted to take out one stalk but they were all bunched together thus the pose haha)
AND smell the flowers.. hahaha.
AWWW my teeeth will never be dirty like that hahaha
hahaha pea, your hide and seek CMI la can see 90% of your body.
pea was like, ' you look like you sell beer' or something hahaha
i like this thing!!
they are lights.
they say the ice cream from the hotdog stall v nice worrrrrrrrrrz.
okay. cabbed to TPJC to pick joyce up.
then we dropped jiawen off at TP.

then we went to plaza sing.

ate at cafe cartel. only joyce ate ah cos we ate alrdy HAHA. AWWWW I MISS MY BABYYYY. haha shit we damn chillax.
oooo pea went to skin her ipod. nice huh!
bought shorts. then we took bus to far east. shopped somemore!
when pea was buying her super nice yellow vintage bag.
aww then baby had to go off for cell so pea and i waited for the train with her till 5.30 then we parted ways at cityhall.
went queensway with pea! finally bought my contacts. walked in circles around that stupid messy mall haha. aww pea cldnt find her rings. went to anchorpoint after that. omg if not for pea i wouldn't have even known that almost all the shops there are outlet shops. that place screams CHEAP. haha. but didnt get anything luh. wah pea bought alot of stuff from all over today.
walked till evening then pea had to go so she dropped me off at the mrt and i took another long ride home, which of course i fell asleep and banged my head several times on the window, looking like an idiot. nevermind. worst thing of it was each time i woke i had to pretend i was rubbing my head in the 'awwwwww oh noooo, did i just bang my head again ):' way but actually i was rubbing my head in the 'nb, longest bus ride EVER' way.. yea you get me.
HOMEEEE. oh god im tired. gnight people!
oh and p.s, fortune cookie says, 'YOU SHALL LIVE LONG AND PROSPER'.
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