oh fuck, i can't believe liverpool and arsenal tied. highly annoyed.
and overnight my body clock became right again because i am unwillingly falling asleep at 12 and waking at 8am everyday now.
went to jiawen's yesterday before going to amanda's. played the game of life on her com haha her com has everything. and watched the rat-who-can-cook movie. i can't spell it for nuts. then went over to amanda's for mahjong. omg please, the feel of mahj tiles against your fingers is heaven. played with chermin and zhirong. apparently they're both frm sr toooo. but anyway game ended early.
ate dinner with amanda at sing post. talked for pretty long then went home. and knocked out like almost immediately. oh god.
Fortune cookie says: You have the potential urge and ability for accomplishment.
friends drifting people bitching time is ticking.
okay im off to watch Friends. love chandler.
and fuck arsenal luh. ):
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