facebook quiz
Observers want knowledge and they're introverted, inquisitive, understandable and analytical. It's hard for them to handle their feelings, they rather use their head than their heart. Other people can find them cool, distant, bussinesslike and non-emotional. Actually they are very sensitive, but it's just difficult to express it. They like to be alone to process their emotions. Observers don't like it when others dominate them. RELATIONSHIPS: You know you cover yourself from the world and you long for contact. You're afraid to open up. You feel attracted to people who give you space, then you can give and take. You choose friends with the same interests. FIXATION: stinginess VICE: greed VIRTUE: detachment PROFESSIONS: scientist, investigator, inspector, librarian, monk, ...
MONK?! like wtfz. AND IM NOT STINGY HAHAHA I HAVE NO MONEY HAHAHA. but its quite cool how everything else kinda fits.
Who are you, really?
facebook quiz
You Are the Kid with Potential
How you see yourself: You don't really care about school or grades. Rules apply to you, but you don't seem to take them seriously. You are very laid-back and outgoing, so you are easy to like. You can be funny when you want to be, but being serious about things can occasionally be an issue. How others see you: Others see you as the slacker. Whether they know it for a fact or not, they may think of you as the "bad kid" who hangs with the "bad crowd." They generally like you, however, because they wish they could have a stress-free life like you. Who you are: You have the potential to be great. You are very intelligent, but you don't try because you don't see the point or because you have better things to do. You find it difficult to take studying seriously or to work for long periods of time. You don't feel that others have much faith in your abilities, so you laze around because you don't have faith in yourself. You will, however, be a stress-free person, and that will make you happier than most.
this quiz spells T-R-U-E.
sometimes when we do quizzes we answer the questions according to how we would rather see ourselves as. and when the results are satisfactory we work towards being more like what the results say we are. sometimes even when its not satisfactory we kinda inch towards being more like our answers. i don't know why though. maybe thats why people change. I SO WANT TO STUDY PSYCH ):
if..................then why......................because.......................
okay i'll probably forget what i was blogging about like 5 days later but nevermind.
pictures from friday.
zhixian say i look like an ah lian ):
wtfz, which part look like ah lian lor. ): hm he says i look so much better when i look 'guai'. WTFZ. then he proceeded to advice me not to go into pre marital sex. HAHAHA HE DAMN CUTE AH..
pea's shoes. hahahaah no luh she didnt wear this out. she bought it on that day.
i had to hide behind a pillar to take this hahaha otherwise look damn stupid siar
HAHA JIAWEN SO CUTE. the one in two ponytails HAHAHA
rest of the pics not with me eh, with jiawen.
zhixian set me thinking about who i am now.
-shrug, guess i'll never know.
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