went to vivo with my parents in the afternoon. you know how you can usually see Sentosa from vivo? it poured so heavily that everything was just white when you looked out of the windows of vivo. COOL HUH. i love rain.
okay i have been having these really bad headaches and giddyness recently. oh god what if i have a tumour in my head or something?! :O :O :O :O
&i have this really really cocky side to me. where i feel like i am so much better than some people in every single way. i dont know. i just feel that people shouldn't try to be what they are not. especially if it means being very similar to someone else. you know, you know. im so annoyed by some people that i have to constantly change myself because any trace of being similar to you just irks me.
OHHHH INN'S OUT OF ARMY FOR THE WEEKEND :D hahaha aww i miss all my guy friends.
my sweetypieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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