before that i went to katong's chin mee chin to get some cupcakes and i saw adrien pang!! he's so hot please. his english is so fluent and sexy. whoo. anyway i was caught in the rain and blahblah anyway i was like an hour late to meet the gang. sorry guys, LOVE YOU -PUPPYDOG EYES-
anyway walked from khatib to bottle tree park! khatib is fucking far from any fucking place i think its the last time i'm going back there.

there was only 1 bottle tree. in what sense is this a PARK.
there was this cool dinosaur thing haha.
i think she blends in with the plant, like a stick insect.
lmao sam was pissed when i wldnt get on the cow after she tried like countless times and embarrassed herself HAHAHAHAHA

giant prawn!!!!

washing the prawns and sticking a stick through them to cook. cruel, so let the guys do HAHAHA

lmao sam hates this photo cos she looks like a satay aunty

not bad hor!

LOL i love this photo so cute.

i didnt drink!

i really hate alcohol btw. i dont think its cool in any way and it makes me sick.
i have the face shape of a cow.
our dinner at some bbq korean place opposite haw par villa.

ya after that we were trying to see if we could capture scary images with our cam.
not working. lmao. so today was really awesome btw. (: except that when i was taking a bus home from harbourfront i needed to pee so badly but i didnt wanna get off the bus so i held in my pee for 1 hour plus till i got home. NEXT TIME THEY WANT A LOCATION IM GOING TO SAY EAST COAST LOL.
so whats worst? wanting to pee, wanting to vomit or having stomach ache on public transport. i've had all of them and from experience i think wanting to vomit is the worst. cos its those AT-YOUR-THROAT vomit and you hv no choice but to get off the bus. i've had AT-YOUR-ASS stomach ache too but somehow i managed to overcome it. whoohoo.
"你的明天有多快乐, 不是我的
时间把习惯换了, 伤口愈合
exactly what im feeling now.
okay, i don't think i'm that strong after all. time is running out and i wish we had more together before we part ways. that would really make me sad for months.
i know no one bothers to read what i write after a long post of pictures lmao.
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