jiawen! damn fun! hahaha.
I NEED HELP WAKING UP FOR SCHOOL HAHAHA. i mean, i hear the alarm and all that shit but i just CAN'T PULL MYSELF OUT OF BED. its damn bad!!!! im late almost everyday!!! there hasn't been a day in two weeks that you won't find me walking BRISKLY up the hill and zooming to class to tap my card by 10 hahahahaahaah. i capitalised the word BRISKLY cos its something i dont do often. besides every morning HAHA. when school first started i used to wake up at 6.45 - 7.15 and leave house by 8 you know HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA NOW I WAKE UP AT 8.20??!?!!?!?! HAHAHA. omg ultimate failure. hahahaahah. GAHHHHHHHH.
okayokay i feel so guilty for wasting the afternoon away that i've decided not to take a nap. im going to finish stats CA which is due tmr and continue with the stupid biz com report. gah, singtel and singnet is all under singtel meh HAHA. how come i never knew ah. gahhhhh can feel the workload sinking in bit by bit. now i know how most of my classmates felt in JC hahahaha!! oakyokayokaoykoaykaykokay :D:D:D toodle-loo~
anyway on a side note, it amuses me how people keep running back to the ones that hurt them the most. i think we are all masochists.
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