it's a such a good day that i am going to take stupid pictures and post them up hahahaah!! okay i bought this mushroom for geok hahaha she loves this mushroom. the green part is an eraser and the bottom is a sharpener hahahaha. i know right, i love spending money on this kinda rubbish hahaha but she will be so THRILLED when she sees it!
okay so stupid pictures with green mushroomz.

this hellokitty book's for val ((: gonna airmail it to her haha. including a letter that i am going to write, describing how retarded hello kitty is.

and cher!!!! your mittens hehehe!!

hehehe. and i went to make the lenses for my spectacles today! from monday/tuesday onwards i'll have new spectacles!!!!!!! and my jeans from a spree finally arrived after THREEEEE months!!!! good day or what! i love the jeans they are awesome! see, faith people, faith!
hehe i am in such a goodmood i asked ultimateuniverseyandaoboi16 to have dinner next week hahahaha. shh, secret person HAHAHA. okayyyy i am going to write my letter to val then finish up the report hahahaha! love people, love!!!
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