first of all,
loooooooooooooong story but didn't go for wchian's POP in the end. the mac computer thing came at about 1pm when i just finished bathing and this is the first and last time you will ever see me get changed in 10seconds tops. because i was so scared the delivery guy would just leave. he kept pressing the bell non stop, so kan chiong, make me very kan chiong also.........................
my cousin came over with her husband to collect the computer then she psychoed me into going over to her place so i did though i was like midway through my sleep (yup, at 3pm) haha. brought tasha down to the pool for fun. no actually my cousin and i had the intention to go for a tan because we were too lazy to go jogging and we figured that tan people look alot slimmer than white people so yea....

i splashed around and got quite wet!..........from the side of the baby pool......... not much you can expect from someone who cant swim huh.

yeppp. my cousin y'all.

she's married with one kid and one on the way. and she looks 19 -_- oh god haha. she's not even close to 19 ok. i hope i get my mom's side of the genes then can look young forever. haha. anyway i look damn spastic here but after analyzing i think its because i was frowning at the glare of the sun and trying to smile at the same time and no one really looks good frowning and smiling at the same time......
ate 3 bowls of rice for dinner with lotsa food. wow, damn satisfactory.
anyway it just hit me that im the most free among all of my friends. i'm forever the one thats always online. then i started to wonder why i am always so free haha. even during exam period i am still online for the better half of the day. awesome shit.
ugh i just ate a bar of Cadbury BOOST and it is the shit man. im so sick of it now. caramel and chocolate overload. zzzz. ok going to get my sleep now, only got 4hours of it last night. oh speaking of which i am really not 'impressed' easily. like if people tell me they only slept 6 hours for two days, or like didn't eat for 3 days only survive on water, or fall sick/stomach flu/damn high fever/etc, or whatever r/s problem etc....................... i will listen and advice when needed, give appropriate reactions but if you are expecting me to shower you with sympathy then its going to be quite hard..... i don't know. i just feel like sometimes people really tend to blow up the matter at hand? then again it may not be blowing up huh, maybe they are just feeling like that at the moment and need to tell someone?
haha like jon was saying the other time, some people like to put on their MSN nicks or fb statuses stuff like, " 6hours to exam and i haven't started! shit!" and expect people to tell them to "jiayou you can do it!". eat my shit luh. totally find such people damn annoying. "high fever 39.4degrees with cough/cold/sorethroat!" ....ok so you are sick. and by announcing it to the whole world what kind of attention are you expecting? -_- totally lame luh. "get well soon!! awww you poor thing!!" kiss my ass luh.
omg i think nokia n97 bloody chio. i SO want it.

omggggg. looking at it makes me high haha.
haha bye.