am at my cousin's place now. hopefully i will wake up earlier and do something with my life instead of sleeping till 5pm everyday. money problems stink. anyhow, am looking forward to working with jiahui and cherish, like finally a job with familiar faces right.
anyway like every other semester so far, i am pretty psyched for sem3. i'll be learning managerial accounting (which i heard is alot harder than financial accounting, shit...), managing human resources and principles of marketing. there'll be another presentation for marketing and i heard its going to be filmed. noooooooooooooooo. presentations are the bane of my life in SIM. anyway as usual, i think human resources will be the memory subject and the rest will be pretty technical..... hope sem 3 comes quicker.
anyway this time of year has always been exciting. what, with christmas on its way and a whole new year ahead. a time where families become closer just for the season and resolutions are made and kept for about a month. wow, whats not to love? i remember cher and i used to do our resolutions together w/o fail every end of year and amongst our list there will definitely be "eat less/ lose weight" haha.

hm. i think hopes are like eating. you feel hungry and you eat alot and for people like me who binge, you get so full it hurts your tummy and when you go for a dump everything just comes out again. you have so much hopes but till a certain point you just feel the pain and you learn to let go through whatever means..... i hope this stomachache will pass.
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