i happened to hear a media corp advertisement on the radio just now. it goes something like
"one brick can't build a home but many bricks can. donate generously to the We Are One fund blahblah" and it just stirred some thoughts inside me.
i mean it makes sense that a brick can't build a home but are they implying that one person can't make a difference? if everyone thinks that one person won't make a difference to the donation then whose gonna donate ah. or it could mean that many people are going to be donating so being a typical Singaporean you will just think that your donation isn't going to make any difference since everyone is going to be donating.. okay fine i bet no one even thinks of stuff like that hahaha!
anyway there was some news after that that said an autopsy was carried out on a guy who appeared to commit suicide but had wounds on him like he was tortured before that. and i was thinking if i were being tortured to no end obviously if i couldn't take it anymore i would just jump out the window and end my life right........................hah.
accounting!!! <3
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