awww i want a nice organiser! then i can write down whats happening each day and where i need to be hehe. i resorted to writing them on post its and sticking them in front of me......but it blends with the background so its kinda there yet not there haha.
and i painted my nails a super nice pale pink.

super elegant haha. a change from all my weird nails.
OMG MY SIMPSONS STREAMING IS WORKING. im going to watch!! oh yes, jon gave me this link just now. READ IT, CLICK HERE. so i've made up my mind that my parents are not being unreasonable when they don't let me go overseas with friends and it is totally necessary for them to worry about me. i actually wanna thank god for having such awesome parents (: i may not say it often, or at all but you know i love you guys plenty! oh and they brought me to eat stingray and lala just now haha. CRAVING SATISFIED. ((((((((((: have i mentioned how awesome lala is. -sighs at its awesomeness-
when people attempt to sing in the car and it goes over a hump which makes their voice go out of tune.
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