firstly, according to Lisa Simpson, water in the Northern Hemisphere (Asia included :D) always spins anti clockwise when being drained. its called the Coriolis Effect! hahaaha cool anot! its some physics law thingy but of course being a total physics idiot i can't be bothered to go understand how it happens haha. im gonna check it out later hahaha.
secondly, i just came to know what this beautiful thing is called.

its called an Aurora. pretty huh.
good thing is it can be seen in night skies in the northern hemisphere, which includes asia. bad thing is it can be seen more visibly from countries nearer to the norrth magnetic pole and singapore is not one of those countries. i think its around US area.
nonetheless, its caused by a chemical effect (damn, chemistry could have been fun) of collision between oxygen and nitrogen particles in the sky. too lazy to write out what happens here hahahahaha. im sure none of you morons actually read it anyway. this post was more for self reference to the things i find amazing in this awesome world.
anyway i've been drinking loads of water recently. like those huge 1.5 bottles that i used to drink coke from? yea now i drink water from it and it bugs me that my nose is starting to run nonstop. sometimes i feel that the water i drink goes straight to my nasal cavities and out of my body again. sheesh.
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