i find the concept of a secret garden highly fascinating.
no school today, but i woke up at the wrong time anyway. woke up when they sky was about to cry. damn, should have slept through that too. how often do you get to sleep in such comfortable ambiance right.
so anyway it is impossible to finish reading my mngment textbook. i have been stuck at this chapter for 3days now and IT IS THE SHORTEST CHPTER. DAMN? the words are so small i think you need to use the exponential equation to define how many words there are in one paragraph. hah, kidding. anyhow, im partly to blame for my preoccupied thoughts and my constant browsing of facebook (speaking of which, i have new gossip) HAHAHA. gotta love facebook.
anyway recent events have led me to realise the benefits of being single. though to couples, it may not seem like an issue, duh. one glaring issue, freedom. no, seriously. so my friends and i were deciding which day to study and all. and some of them had to leave like early evening and some couldn't make it on certain days; all because of one reason - meeting my other half. okay, now i sound like some jealous prick who wishes i had a bf to meet too right? nono, not the point.
point is, i like the state i am in now. im free to hang out till whatever time, free to go out whatever day (unless of course i have made plans with other friends luh walau dont look at me like no one ever calls me out can? HAHA) from this i realised that i don't like being tied down. well now, the little discoveries we make about ourselves each day. but i guess to couples its a joy to be in each others company and stuff?
it appears like i am trying to convince myself that being attached is no big deal right. HAHAHA NO, ITS NOT WHAT THIS WHOLE THING IS FOR. okay, off to play spot the difference! then back to my thick mngment book i guess. damn i just realised i dont even know how to find domain and range for functions and i forgot how to draw all the graphs and stuff. graphic calculators are not allowed for math exam either, shit. haha. oh well, love!
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