nich picked me up then we drove to marina. he's damn stubborn lar! he refused to listen to me when i say i know the way WHICH IS A FACT instead he rather listen his GPS which takes him round and round and round hahahaha okay fine i will stop complaining hahaha.
waiting for parkin lots
his car damn cool hahaha they know if you've put on your seatbelt or not hahah
action la.
ate at breeks. i am in love with seafood stuff. haha okay im not gonna lie, the outing was a little weird cos it was like very different cliques and stuff. but we loosened up a little from arcade so nvm! (: thanks nich for sending me home !
ohohohohoh! i forgot to put up pictures from baking w cher and her sis last week!
i realised i like to take people like that haha
the road where cheryl and i used to paranoidly run across. k fine i was the paranoid one. afraid my dad would see me hahaha. was only primary 6 and i wasn't allowed to leave the school on my own ok!
the place we ran to the eat sugar donuts hahaha
picked chermaine up from school then went home to bake apple crumble!
the apple fucking hard to skin lor!
tadah! :D
okay we watched the perfect man. then i lazily went up to her room and this was seconds before i fell asleep.
she ignore me ): hahaha.
i have one picture from seeing dilys yst!
yup thats all!
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