morning upper east siders. see, just one of the plus sides of living in the east hehe. and if you're wondering how upper comes in, i live on a hill thus the play on words.
so my weekend was fine. hope yours was too. had work on saturday so after work since every where is like closed already, we went to play mahjong with amanda and shaun. shawn. shaun. im really not sure which. it was a sad night anyway :( hahaha. shall not go into mahj terms. work on sunday morning. i dont know what sucks more, the fact that i sleep about 3 hours every saturday morning before going to work or the fact that i dont have the wisdom to not stay out till so late -_- so, work. went to eat at buddy hoagies, bukit timah plaza with baby after that. food was alright. ordered the wrong thing :((((( yes many many sad faces to show how upset i was. when it comes to food im really serious. so anyway i ordered barbecue chicken with honey barbecue sauce. UGH. the chicken was really good BUT i hate it when the sauce is really sweet :( i hate salty food with sweet sauce. hate. so i didnt get to enjoy my meal as much as i wanted to. :( but joshy was sweet hehehe we traded half of each others food hehe. so i got to eat salmon and chicken. what more can a girl ask for, sigh.
went to play mahj, yes again, with geok anyu and nicholas after joshy went back to camp. haven't seen nicholas in such a long time. i actually have pictures for this post but im too lazy to upload them so i shall do so when i am really really free. ate maggie goreng at macpherson as usual, then came home to rest.
ANYWAY, i have no work until thursday! i spent monday finally getting the rest that i needed until about 8pm before i got out of bed heh. didnt eat the whole day so i pampered myself with a packet of cheese ruffles, yum. then i went to run w geok at night. every time i run i feel nothing but regret and a very imminent death. nevermind, effort shall prevail!
not sure what to do today (tuesday). shall probably sleep till evening and have dinner with my parents at night. thats the problem with not having work :/ theres nothing much to do when you dont have school nor work. of course, i could always exercise during the day and explore parts of singapore and take pretty pictures of the lush greenery but seriously, lets be real. heh.
okay i really wanna upload pictures from scraplicians dinner but i just realised this computer which was previously my dad's, doesnt have photoshop and since flash is really ugly (yes only ugly people dont like flash but im really not afraid to admit im not model material, pfft), i need photoshop to set the colors right and did you know downloading photoshop takes about 2 hours. and i started before i went to run which was 12 am but my computer hibernates after 30 mins? so its still in downloading mode now, after i switched it on again. so.... tomorrow! heh.
good night lower rest of the singapore.