wah, finally done with the editing for marketing. :] doing filming for HR tomorrow, don't feel like sleeping cos i know im going to be late if i sleep now zz. think i'll just cook some noodles and watch dramas.................these few days have been so hectic but i pretty much enjoyed it. like last week sam adrien and i stayed at cathay's starbucks to finish up the video till 2plus in the morning after which sam and i went to eat bak chor mee. quite chilling actually. am not really feeling troubled because of school now. its something else. i know the cause but i dont know the catalyst. sucks. just feel like binging for days.
i usually blog my thoughts and what i dislike/like and stuff but right now i am not really thinking much about anything at all. there's something occupying my mind. well then.

bye suckers.
love, disheveled nocturnal me.
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