anyway i shall try to be me again.
geok told me that SR now doesnt even allow alumni with dyed hair or tattoos to even ENTER the school. ridiculous or what? arent we all allowed to do what we like after leaving school? okay maybe not what we like, but the basics of dying hair and stuff? srsly, if one of his reasons is to not be a bad influence on the existing SR students now then what, you think they are 5 yrs old or what. not like they haven't seen whats outside of school right. SR is not an enclosed zoo you know. mr principal (im sorry i dont even bother to rmb your name hahahahaha), you are dense and cant see further than maybe 5mins into the future ok. what next? must wear long sleeve shirt and pants/skirts coverng all the way to our toes? joke.
hello, not like the teachers never dye their fucking hair right. fire them la. and if one day some big time minister comes to visit the school but so happens he had a tattoo when he was young and he dyed his hair brown because he doesnt like his greyish hair, then what? oooo i know i know. youre not going to chase him out cos of the MONEY right. nabei. money faced impractical inflexible principal. why dont you ask all the girls to cut bob hair style and guide them to the path of becoming nuns. sheesh. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK im so pissed with the fucking principal.
anyways. watched valentines day with sam today. joke lor. somemore we booked couple seat HAHAHAHA. show was okay. i didnt think it was awesome or something. funny at some parts. yea.
i think we all need answers to move on in life. in every single thing we do. with these answers we link the pieces together to build a bridge and cross it to a new beginning.

thank you for your answer.
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