Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I actually have a lot of posts that I didn't have the discipline to finish so I'm gonna try and finish this one.

I've come to realise that I am rather obsessive. and for this I actually think Whatsapp is a very very bad app for obsessive people because you are able to check when the person was last online and recently I get annoyed when people are online but don't reply. It's kinda consuming me so I think I'll try and stop.

Oh anyway I got a job like 2 weeks ago. Ohyea my first step into my successful career in a bank haha. Let me just make it clear that the process of looking for a part time job and a full time job are completely different. And people often like to compare which really really annoys me. I'd say that I'm satisfied with what I got because I have been diligently looking since last December without any help from anyone. Yep, no referrals. And being very sentimental I'm actually going to miss the entire process of reading up on all the companies to prep for the interviews, listing out possible qsts and answers, finding the right clothes for interviews, etc. But I guess what I miss the most is the thrill of being shortlisted for an interview that you really want. And this is the fine line between part time and full time jobs I guess. I believe your first job is extremely important to building a bridge to your dream career. I have friends who actually told me to just take any random admin job to get by first but I guess it wasn't in my plan to do so.

Another fine line is between the money and what you actually are good at. I'm glad I found a balance between the two for my first job. Bear in mind, what you're good at may not be your interest and you may not be good at what you're interested in. So, some things to think about.

Really excited to start work although I don't show it cos everyone around me seems to be having their own problems and all. Sometimes I think as we grow older there's no one left to genuine listen to your concerns. Everyone just wants a chance to say what's on their mind. So if you have any such friends left, do hang on to them. Cos people do get tired of listening, despite what they may tell you.


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