fucking long since i blogged properly, i kinda forgot how to! anyway! met up w SIM friends (sam, fandy, geok, yixiang). dearest adrien could not make it because he was having chinese lessons.
went marche to eat.
omg pork knuckles like fucking good!
sam hahaahah okay her eyes are closed but she's still so pretty!
okay then i took paid leave on that day cos my sister was flying off for holiday. so went to eat with the famzzz.
okay let me see. past few days since wednesday, work and work and work. my life fucking boring la now. SIM orientation tmr. dont even feel like going hahaha. hate to go to a new school having to start all over again. pretty happy how my life in SIM went though (:
wahhhh christmas coming already. have to get some big ass present for my sister to make up for me working on her birthday -_- haha i remember when cher and i would plan what to get for our parents and stuff and make our silly new years resolutions together. everyyy single year.
oh anyway i know damn fucking long ago but i just came across the photo in my camera hahaha i said before, chuuuu and geok bought me flowers and cake for my birthday hahaha. i love lilies! they bought me a whole bouquet lmao.
anyway it was the last day i had long hair haha. the very last picture of me with long hair. ok i kinda put it up cos i wanted to see how i would look like in short hair but i like the picture anyway haha.

tadah. this is me at night.
ok i look like i haven't slept in days. ALMOST THERE OKAY!??!
woke up just now to meet chu for lunch before he booked in. love popeyes! okay i need to sleep now. i need to wake up at 12pm tmr. ya my body clock damn screwed up. hahaha okay bye!
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