joyce's very messy meal. oh i was late so by the time i went nam already finished eating HAHAHA.

i don't know what nutty mud pie!

nam was checking his phone on how to get to marina barrage.

after that we got lost twice, nam took the wrong turn once, then name gave up and sent us home cos he was tired. HAHA you should have seen our disappointed faces man. YOU OWE US NAM.
the next day, my laptop died on me.
and the next day i think i slept 18hours out of 24. no com, no money, no one free to go out. what else to do right hahaha. but stayed up after that to have breakfast with joyce at alj macs at 6am. stuck around till 8plus then went home. we were supposed to wake up and go to vivo together to get my laptop serviced but knowing us.... we took pictures but this computer no bluetooth eh.
hahaha anyway im going tmr instead with wj. and i got job interview at Mykii tomorrow i hope i geddddit! but its at holland V man, thinking of the travelling makes me sick hahaha. nevermind, if i do get it please come visit me haha.
okay, i think im going to watch simpsons now. haha bye!
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