went to work as usual with pea. wah from now on everyone should just call her COCKROACH. okay here's the deal, she wakes me up everyday right. so every morning she will call and text and call and text even after i wake up. so one morning i just replied her, 'YOU'RE LIKE A COCKROACH, NEVER SAY DIE" hahahaa then this morning she texted me again to wake up long after i was awake then in the heat of the moment i said "OMG CALL 1800-PESTS" hahaha BUT IT'S OKAY COS PEA LOVES HER NEW NAME. should i call her proach or pockroach?
ANYWAY IM DAMN ANGRY with this bitch at work called betty. wtf, she's aunty type of bitch to the max. need help then come and find pea. PEA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU REPLIED HER LA WTF WHERES YOUR EXOSKELETON YOU POCKROACH! anyway today we left the place then i didnt notice the door wasn't shut properly behind me la. SHE SHOUT UNTIL FUCKING LOUD CAN, I KNOW FOR US TO HEAR LA THAT SLUT. SHE SHOUTED "LEAVE ALRDY DONT KNOW HOW TO CLOSE THE DOOR PROPERLY" NB I GOT EYES ON THE BACK OF MY HEAD AH CB I DAMN ANGRY LOR. IF SHE HADN'T CLOSED THE DOOR ALRDY I TELL YOU I CFM GO BACK THERE AND SLAM THE FUCKING DOOR IN HER BITCHFACE. which i am going to do tomorrow i swear over my living body. betty you are so going to swear you didnt mess with pea and i.
i dont believe in being nonchalent when someone makes you angry. some people think that not reacting makes you the bigger person but to me not reacting just shows how weak your will is to defend yourself, RIGHTFULLY. dont try and test me cos you'll get a reaction. there's no such rule as not reacting in bitch wars.
anyway tony from work is really funny too. he's kinda like our in-charge. he's DAMN funny hahaha everytime pea and i talk about him we'll just end up giggling hahaha. no he's not funny in the cute way he's funny in the high-on-weed way hahaha. wtffffz.
met wj after work. went sony to get his headphones fixed. ate the super nice spaghetti at taka! yep then went home alrdy. work in the morning tmr. HOW TORTURING ): ohoh pea hung this super cute little miss sunshine thingy on my hphone hehe. makes me a little happier everytime i look at it. okay. my battery's dead. bye loves!
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