Thursday, October 14, 2010

i think my life is that of a straw. really hollow. sometimes some excitement flows through, but mostly just hollow. the worst part is the excitement falls out either way.

when you're single for too long you get bored and you feel like getting into the game again. the game is important. find the wrong players and you would rather stay out of it. sometimes when you think you've found the suitable player they do something that turns you off and once again you find yourself outside the court, watching from the sidelines. you would rather sit alone along court than to join in with the low class players. that's what i end up doing most of the time.

life to me isn't about the physical fun, its about what really goes on in your head. what you're thinking when youre not talking, that's who you are, thats life.

let's just say i don't like to talk much about my life.

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