Thursday, April 22, 2010

so cheryl popped the question again for the 80483242 time since i knew her. HAHA.

and it just got me thinking of what i feel about that.

i honestly believe there isn't a reason for falling in love with someone. its not something like they treat you very nice then one fine day you finally give in or because they fit all the requirements of your 'list'. it just happens.

one day you feel okay around them and the next thing you know, your heart is pounding, your palms won't stop sweating and you have the urge to see them every day cos just seeing them would make your day. i believe this is the kind of love that will last but is also the most painful because if it didnt need a reason to start, there's no solid reason for it to stop. well, most painful cos if it is really unrequited love and you don't have a reason to stop loving them then... tough luck.

but it will last because they can't do anything to spoil it. i know that after loving someone for a long time you will start to notice their flaws but another thing i strongly believe in is that love surpasses all that. people always ask me why all the guys i like look so cui one (LOL) i also don't know. somehow i just over look that and see whats inside. at least i try to dig and see if theres anything good hahaha.

aiya random thought i wonder how many people in the world are having their honeymoon at this instance.

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