wah okay i just took a quiz. DAMN TRUE HAHA. LIKE THE WHOLE THING
Cherryl took the quiz - What Color Is Your Psyche? and the result is Your Psyche is Red
You are bright, bold, energetic, and intense. Your upbeat, zany energy inspires those who are down. Spontaneous and playful, you also have a courageous and fearless side. When you are too red: you are angry, overprotective, and truly scary. When you don't have enough red: you are depleted and lifeless.
omg im damn tired ): this morning i was literally lying on my bed thinking how nice it would be if i were dead. can sleep forever and ever. omg yea thats what i want. to sleep forever and ever hahaha. SOMEBODY KILL ME.
anyway work with pea is getting really fun cos she brings Post-Its and we write damn stupid notes to each other hahaha. and i can surf net, and eat anything i want and leave the office anytime i want also. MY JOB DAMN CHILLING HAHA. accompanied pea till her bf came then came home just to head out again to Siglap to meet my cousin and aunt; aunt's birthday. BUT I WAS LATE, WTF IS NEW? so i just met them at their house la haha. nvm all in Siglap anyway. I LOVE MY NIECE she's just SO DAMN CUTE PLEASE. on a random side note i still want gerbils.
ohohoh im having second thoughts about having a desk bound job for life -_- ok think cherr think of what the hell you wanna be when you grow upzzzz. oh i just realised i cant blog what i wanna blog haha. i am so going to slap that person tmr hahahahah.
anyway i am f happy today HAHAHA. BUT CHER NOT ONLINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. probably sleeping already getting ready to watch stupid man utd play later hahahah. anyway, :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
haha wtfz, i was checking out the stupid Samsung site and seeing the conditions for repairing phone and there was this one condition where they would not repair your phone: "Damage, losses, defects or malfunction as a result of fire, flood or other Acts of God."
haha acts of God. damn weird leh their language.
why would anyone spell valerie as valarie? doent valarie just look WEIRD. its like, if you learn han yu pin yin it is rightfully valerie not valarie. otherwise it would sound like va-LAH-rie which is just hideous. HAHA OKAY, ONE OPINION HERE, DONT KILL ME IF YOUR NAME IS VALARIE. anyway its just a random thought, not cos i have a friend called val -_-. like how its spelt as separated not seperated. THEY SHOULD JUST MAKE OUR LIVES EASIER AND SPELL IT AS SEPERATED LOR. sounds and looks so much better pls.
okay i am done rambling for tonight. :D:D:D:D:D:D

if you could see me now.
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