Thursday, April 8, 2010

today is reportedly the worst day of the week.

firstly a stupid I(think of a race and its seriously not my prob they always leave a shit impression on me) bus driver refused to open the door even though i was RIGHT in front of the door waving and he was STATIONARY at the bloody bus stop. furthermore i ran to the bus in high hopes of catching it. you will see how this links to what happens next.

so i caught the later bus. on the way i saw that the sky was overcast so i prayed for God to hold back the rain for a little while because i had to walk a fucking long way to school from the bus stop. but noOoOOoo it started to drizzle just as i was reaching the bus stop. i thought to myself nevermind, still can be thankful at least its not heavy rain. walked ten steps and it started to pour. i mean POUR. who the hell was peeing from up above. i expected the china girl in front of me to offer to share an umbrella (cos she turned to look at me) but noOoOooOoo like i was too big for her puny made-in-china umbrella. so i half ran half pranced which wasnt of any help besides making everyone who passed me on a cab laugh. i couldn't run because i was wearing flipflops and it was drenched with water so seriously you just can't run in that. so i walked.

which you see, is the reason why i said that if i had caught the earlier bus i could have missed the rain. so fuck you bus driver i hope your license gets revoked and your livelihood depends on that.

on the bus home an I woman sat next to me with her I child. and seriously i dont mind sitting with small children who climb around their mother's head and does a bungee jump onto their mother's shoulders from the chair behind and SCREAAAAAAAAMS in the highest most annoying voice ever but TOUCH ME AND YOU'RE DEAD. IT touched me with its feet; IT who ran around the bus BAREFOOT (and seriously the bus is damn filthy i was stepping on gum and i didnt even know till i had to leave the bus and i couldn't lift my foot up). i nearly had a seizure from the trauma. i swear in my head i was just yelling "UGHHHHHH UGHHHHHHHH!!!! i should decapitate my arm................"

the only thing i'm damn thankful for today is that the bus conductor didn't come and check tickets today because i totally didn't give the right fare and if i had to get off the bus and walk home i would kill myself.

on a side note, i have the cold and cough and its NOT FUNNY. MOTHERFUCKERS COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU SNEEZE AND COUGH CAN ANOT.

and whats with the motherfucking internet. can't load a fucking thing.

so there.

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